There are many unanswered questions when it comes to the subject of freemasonry. One of those main questions being; What is the proper way to wear a Masonic ring? We are here to answer that question and explain the different options offered, as well as feature our incredible inventory of Masonic rings. Our selection includes categories of the best quality rings such as Masonic Blue Lodge Rings, Past Master Rings, Scottish Rite rings, Knights Templar rings, Shrine rings, Eastern Star rings, Gold Plated Rings, Sterling Silver rings, Co-Masonic rings, Knights of Columbus rings, Stainless Steel rings, and Other Fraternal rings. You will not find a better selection of Masonic rings anywhere, especially rings as beautiful as ours. Divided up in to numerous categories, we are positive  you will find a Masonic ring to fall in love with. We have also marked down a large majority of our rings by 50%, something you certainly will not find anywhere else! Take a few moments out of your day to browse the largest selection of Masonic rings you will ever come across. You won't regret it.


Many brothers have numerous questions about Masonic rings and what you should buy, and we are here to help. While our gold Masonic rings are some of our best sellers, gold isn't always for everyone. Luckily, as we stated earlier, we have numerous options to choose from. For those looking not to spend much, we have many stunning stainless steel Masonic rings at the best prices you will find. Stainless steel is beautiful, and affordable. However, the main downside to stainless steel is that it cannot be re-sized, in case you should ever need a size adjustment. The next step up is sterling silver, which is slightly more expensive, more eye catching, and resizable. It is all a matter of what you want to spend and what metal you desire, as all of these rings are wonderful choices. If you are looking for the best of the best, and the most expensive, gold rings are your answer. They are classic and beautiful, sure to turn heads. Our gold rings, however, are indeed included in our rings marked at 50% off. Whatever you desire, we can help.


Now that we have hopefully helped make your decision easy on which type of ring you are looking to buy, the most important question is this; How do you properly wear a Masonic ring? Technically speaking, there is no solid rule on which way to wear your Masonic ring. There is no right or wrong answer, however, there are many opinions. Again, it all depends on your personal preferences. Typically, the debate is a tossup between wearing the points of the compass facing you, or facing the rest of the world. Many people have said that the proper way to wear your Masonic ring is to have the points of the compass facing you, as a reminder of your obligations. Others, however, claim that it is proper to wear your Masonic ring with the points of the compass facing the rest of the world, to show off the symbol and share it with the rest of the world. There is no right or wrong way specifically stated, but the most common way to wear your Masonic ring is with the compass points facing you. It has been said that Masonic rings should be thought of like an American flag, using the stars as an example. If you were hanging the American flag, you would not leave the stars facing down. It is compared to having the compass points facing down. As stated before, it is entirely up to you to choose which way you desire to wear your Masonic ring. At the end of the day, we are joined together by brotherhood, not the direction of which we wear our Masonic rings.


We hope that you have found this article to be helpful in not only choosing a ring, but also how to express yourself in your style of wearing your Masonic ring. We can guarantee whatever ring, whatever metal, whatever stone, pointed in or pointed out, you will not be disappointed when you purchase a ring through The Masonic Exchange.