Regalia is a common product at the Masonic and while there are many common items, there is also a big selection of rarer materials. The Masonic Exchange carries materials for a ton of different uses and the warehouse is bringing in new things everyday for the use inside the temple. When it comes to different rites, the Masonic Exchange can deliver the items that are specifically needed. When visiting the website, the shopper will notice that there are entire sections dedicated to different rites and items that are specially designed for the use in certain obediences. For example, the has an entire category dedicated to Officer Jewels. This wide selection begins with the Blue Lodge category and spans through a collection of grand proportions.

The Masonic Exchange is a company that specializes in carrying a wide selection. They have many categories that cater to specific orders and to highlight one, the Order of the Eastern Star, the Masonic Exchange has all of the most necessary officer jewels on hand. To see all of them, simply click on the sub-category “Eastern Star” under the “Officer Jewels” tab and all of the pages will come up. The designs are several and they range from the standard, five-pointed star which features the various emblematical symbols of the order, to the more intricate and specialized designs. All of the officer’s jewels are available and they are accompanied by variations of the same designs. Other more beautiful jewels are adorned with more designs, such as the surrounded by the specific order including the “Eastern Star adah Officer Jewel” which is a wrapped sword that comes in the center of a formed triangle. Another similar design is the “Eastern Star Electa Officer Jewel” which holds a similar style as the “Eastern Star Esther Officer Jewel”. These and others very much like them come in the Grand Officer jewels and someone who has the position of Grand Conductress or Grand Warder can be quite honored in one of these new jewels.

The Officer Jewels category is expansive and contains more than the typical array of these types of jewels. Even the Blue Lodge Officer Jewels (which is the first section) are laid out over the course of two pages including everything that a complete lodge should have, as well as some additional offices that may or may not be what one’s lodge needs. There are the Lecturer, Chaplain, Historian and Orator, in addition to the many other typical jewels needed for each given office. The Lecturer is built of a solid design that features an open parchment or book with writing that is inscribed over the surface. Each of these types of jewels can be silver plated and for the low additional price of five dollars this jewel can be gold plated.  The Historian Jewel differs a bit from the previous version as it has a Quill and Parchment, however, this design is the same in the sense that it has a solidly built metal form with intricate designs. Like the previous, this Officer Jewel is available in a silver or gold plated version. Each of the jewels on the Blue Lodge Officer Jewels page can come in a three or four inch size with the option of a precious metal plating.

Looking beyond the Blue Lodge Jewels, there is a category that is generally for Scottish Rite Officer Jewels which have been added to over the past year or so. This category now contains the Fourteenth Degree, Sixteenth Degree and Eighteenth Degree Officer Jewels which feature their respective intricate designs which can be hung from a quality collar. Included in this category is the Thirty Second Degree Jewel which can be worn at the breast or used in the temple for the position of Office. The Masonic Exchange caters to all kinds of different orders and in doing so, the MasonicExchange.Com offers sets of Officer Jewels for orders like Knights Templar, Shriners, Elks and odd Fellows. Also, for the York Rite Degrees to be practiced, there are two pages of the Holy Royal Arch Officer Jewels selections alone. Be sure to observe the differences in the Jewels that are available, as there can be different levels of quality in their designs. 

Making the best selection is the key to having a long lasting set of lodge jewels and the Masonic Exchange.Com is the one-stop shop for all types of order’s supplies and regalia, and at a bargain of a price.